Thursday, May 3, 2012

Tasks of a Professional Manager

Tasks of a Professional Manager: Those individuals who practice management as a profession are known as professional managers.

1. A manager first should set the objectives, which the firm must achieve.
2. Having decided upon the objectives, the manager must provide purposeful direction to the firm.
3. The manager must constantly monitor the progress and the activities of the firm to ensure that it is moving in desired direction.
4. Ensuring survival and seeking growth of the firm are critical tasks of a manager.
5. Managers maintain firm`s efficiency in terms of profit generation.
6. In today`s fast changing world one of the very critical tasks of every manager is to anticipate and prepare for the increasing competition.
7. Managers must look after both internal and external factors to an organization.
8. Managing for innovation is one of the great tasks of manager.
9. Managers must provide training to every employee of the organization.
10. Every manager has to build a human organization because man is the most critical resource of an organization.
11. To retain talent the manager should provide a comfortable working environment and appropriate to participate.
12. Every manger has to sustain leadership effectiveness. Every manager is a leader in the sense that he has to influence and inspire his subordinates.
13. Managers maintain balance between creativity and conformity.
14. It is manager`s task to ensure that the change is introduced and incorporated in a smooth manner.
15. The use of computers has totally changed the way of information handling. Now it is a task of manager to define what the relevant information is.
16. Manger has to cope with growing public and political criticism.
17. It is manager`s task to fulfill increasing level of aspiration.
18. To create positive impact in society the managers should maintain good relations with various society segments.
It can be concluded that the tasks may vary depending upon the managerial level, function and industry to which mangers belong.

What are the other tasks of a professional manager?

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