Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Social Media and Sales Development

When you talk about sales development then you are actually talking about sales development tools. In this fast changing world sales development tolls are also changing very fast. When you talk about development of sales tools then how can you forget about social media? Social media is an important tool of sales development.

Social media is the only tool that allows you to develop a virtual presence that work for you 24 hours. Linkedin, Twitter and Facebook are the great vehicles on social media and google plus is also coming in this race.

In today`s era every sales professional should know how to use social media and if any sales professional is not using social media than he or she is not a professional sale person.
These tools basically help you to develop strong presence in online world. For example twitter is to help you in google rankings. Google treats every tweets as an individual page, this mean each time you tweet you increasing your value with google.

The only problem with social media is that it does not produce short term results and it becomes a time sucker. But in the long term it will not only give you strong presence but also a great competitive edge. To be honest if you are looking for short term results then I am sorry to say you that it will not deliver, but if your focus is for long run than it is a great tool for you.

To enter in social media world you have to create your professional brand and after that you can use google analytics to measure you social media efforts.

The medium of communication has been changed by social media hence every sales professional has to learn this medium. Every successful sales professional should learn digital sales because in digital life you have to learn digital sales.

With twitter, facebook, linkedin there is an another important and strong tool is blog. These all tools of social media should be integrated into your overall sales and marketing strategy. Sales professional and sales directors can no longer afford to ignore these tools because these tools are the most effective ways to generate leads. These social media sites and tools delivers audience and leads that you should tap for your sales and business development.

In the end I would say if you want to expand your reach you have to use social media tools for your sales and business development.

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